Friday, May 29, 2009 |
8:45 am - 9:00 am |
Opening Ceremony |
9:00 am - 10:15 am |
Full Paper Session: Global
Constraints and LP
- The Polytope of Context-Free
Grammar Constraints - Gilles Pesant, Claude-Guy
Quimper, Louis-Martin Rousseau and Meinolf Sellmann
- Sequencing and Counting with
the Multicost-Regular Constraint - Julien Menana
and Sophie Demassey
- A Shortest Path-based Approach
to the Multileaf Collimator Sequencing Problem - Hadrien Cambazard, Eoin O'Mahony and
Barry O'Sullivan
10:15 am - 10:45 am |
Coffee Break |
10:45 am - 12:00 pm |
Full Paper Session:
- DFS* and the Traveling Tournament
Problem - David C. Uthus, Patricia J. Riddle and
Hans W. Guesgen
- Backdoors to Combinatorial Optimization:
Feasibility and Optimality - Bistra Dilkina, Carla
Gomes, Yuri Malitsky, Ashish Sabharwal and Meinolf Sellmann
- Learning How to Propagate Using
Random Probing -
Efstathios Stamatatos and Kostas Stergiou
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Machine Learning Framework for
Classification in Medicine and Biology - Eva K. Lee
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm |
Small Break |
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm |
Full Paper Session: Modelling
and Applications
- Determining the Number of Games
Needed to Guarantee an NHL Playoff Spot - Tyrel
Russell and Peter van Beek
- Scalable Load Balancing in Nurse
to Patient Assignment Problems - Pierre
Schaus, Pascal Van Hentenryck and Jean-Charles Régin
- Optimal Interdiction of Unreactive
Markovian Evaders - Alexander Gutfraind, Aric Hagberg
and Feng Pan
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm |
Coffee Break |
4:30 pm - 5:50 pm
Extended Abstract
Session: Hybrid CP/IP/LS Approaches
- An Integrated Genetic Algorithm
and Integer Programming Approach to the Network Design
Problem with Relays - Abdullah Konak and Sadan Kulturel-Konak
- Hybrid Branching - Tobias
Achterberg and Timo Berthold
- A Hybrid LS/CP Approach to Solve
the Weekly Log-Truck Scheduling Problem - Nizar
El Hachemi, Michel Gendreau and Louis-Martin Rousseau
- A Benders' Approach to a Transportation
Network Design Problem - Benjamin Peterson and Michael A. Trick
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
Reception |
Saturday, May 30, 2009 |
9:00 am - 10:15 am
Full Paper Session: Scheduling
- IBM ILOG CP Optimizer for Detailed
Scheduling Illustrated on Three Problems - Philippe
- Max Energy Filtering Algorithm
for Discrete Cumulative Resources - Petr Vilím
- Throughput Constraint for Synchronous
Data Flow Graphs - Alessio Bonfietti, Michele Lombardi,
Michela Milano and Luca Benini
10:15 am - 10:45 am |
Coffee Break |
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Full Paper Session:
Hybrid CP/OR/LS
- Tightening the Linear Relaxation
of a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Program Using Constraint Programming -
Sylvain Mouret, Ignacio Grossmann and Pierre Pestiaux
- k-Clustering Minimum Biclique
Completion Via a Hybrid CP and SDP approach - Stefano
- Bandwidth-Limited Optimal Deployment
of Eventually-Serializable Data Services - Laurent
Michel, Martijn Moraal, Alexander Shvarstman, Elaine Sonderegger,
and Pascal Van Hentenryck
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
G12 - Towards the Separation of
Problem Modeling and Problem Solving - Mark Wallace |
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm |
Small Break |
2:45 pm - 4:05 pm |
Extended Abstract
Session: Models and Applications
- Progress on the Progressive Party
Problem - Helmut Simonis
- Constraint Programming and Mixed
Integer Linear Programming for Rescheduling Trains under
Disrupted Operations - Rodrigo Acuna-Agost, Philippe
Michelon, Dominique Feillet and Serigne Gueye
- Constraint Models for Sequential
Planning - Roman Barták and Daniel Toropila
- A Fast Algorithm to Solve the
Frequency Assignment Problem - Mohammad Dib, Alexandre
Caminada and Hakim Mabed
4:30 pm - onwards |
Pirate Baseball Game and Conference Dinner |
Sunday, May 31, 2009 |
9:00 am - 10:15 am
Full Paper Session:
Global Constraints
- Six Ways of Integrating Symmetries
within Non-overlapping Constraints - Magnus Ågren,
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Mohamed Sbihi, Charlotte
Truchet and Stéphane Zampelli
- Reformulating Global Grammar
Constraints - George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska and
Toby Walsh
- Open Constraints in a Boundable
World - Michael Maher
10:15 am - 10:45 am |
Coffee Break |
am - 11:35 am
Full Paper Session: Counting and
- Using Model Counting to Find
Optimal Distinguishing Tests - Stefan Heinz and
Martin Sachenbacher
- Solution Enumeration for Projected
Boolean Search Problems - Martin Gebser, Benjamin
Kaufmann and Torsten Schaub
11:35 am - 12:15 pm
Extended Abstract
Session: Modeling and Systems
- Modelling Search Strategies
in Rules2CP - François Fages and Julien Martin
- CP-INSIDE: Embedding Constraint-Based
Decision Engines in Business Applications - Jacob
Feldman, Eugene Freuder and James Little
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm |
Closing Cermony and Farewell Lunch |